Holy Innocents' Catholic Primary School

Year Six

Useful Information

School Day


Year 6 pupils will be collected from the playground at 8:45am, where we will join together to say our morning prayer.

Year 6 are dismissed from the playground at 3:20pm. Any parents who arrive later than 3.25pm will have to collect their child from the school office.


Year 6 have PE on Monday and Friday. Children must come into school wearing the correct PE kit.

Details of which can be found in our Uniform Policy. 

Uniform Policy 



Daily reading is encouraged and parents should comment and sign their child's reading record when they have heard them read. Please make sure their books are in school everyday, as we will listen to children read throughout the week. We aim to hear every child read over a two week period.


Home Learning

Click below to find out everything you need to know to support your child's home learning.  

Home Learning Policy