Holy Innocents' Catholic Primary School





If you are interested in your child attending Holy Innocents' Catholic Primary School please read our Admissions criteria in the policy below. 



Local Authority Policy on the Admission of pupils after their 5th Birthday

Summer Born Children outside of their Normal Age Range



Admissions Policy 2025-2026 (Current)

Admissions Policy 2025-2026 

London Borough of Bromley Links to School Admissions 




In Year Admissions

London Borough of Bromley Link to In Year Admissions



Admissions Policy 2026-2027 (Determined)

Admissions Policy 2026-2027

Important Application Information


Applicants to Holy Innocents Catholic Primary School must be made via the Local Authority.  


If appropriate, we also ask that you provide child’s baptism certificate or a certified copy of the entry in the baptism register of the church where the child was baptised. Those who have difficulty obtaining written evidence of baptism should contact their Parish Priest (who, after consulting with the Diocese, will decide how the question of baptism is to be resolved and how written evidence is to be produced in accordance with the law of the Church).  This also applies for members of Eastern Orthodox Churches.  

Members of other faiths need to provide evidence of membership from the minister or faith leader of a designated place of worship or the faith group.  

It is for the parents to ensure that the evidence of Baptism, or evidence of membership of another faith, is returned to the school by the CAF deadline.